Did Barlow & Bear take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Barlow & Bear

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The musical duo Barlow & Bear, renowned for their "The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical" that spectacularly rose to fame on TikTok, showcases a unique blend of classical training and modern innovation in music. Unlike many artists who might rely solely on formal singing lessons, Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear's journey into the musical world is a testament to a blend of formal training, self-teaching, and creative experimentation.

Abigail Barlow, coming from a background of pop and musical theatre, and Emily Bear, a classical and jazz-trained pianist and composer, both had early starts in music that likely included singing lessons and coaching in their respective genres. Their collaboration leverages Barlow's lyrical and vocal prowess alongside Bear's composition and instrumental skills, creating music that is both accessible and deeply rooted in musical theory.

To achieve similar vocal and musical prowess, aspiring singers and musicians might consider a mix of formal singing lessons and self-guided exploration. Engaging with a singing coach who understands your unique voice and goals can provide personalized guidance. Furthermore, utilizing technology and platforms for self-education and practice can complement traditional learning methods.

For those inspired by Barlow & Bear's journey, Singing Carrots offers several resources to assist in developing your singing skills:

  • Start by determining your vocal range with our Vocal Range Test, comparing it with famous singers to understand where your voice sits.
  • Improve your pitch accuracy with our Pitch Accuracy Test and see your sung notes on a virtual piano with the Vocal Pitch Monitor.
  • Engage in interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility through our Pitch Training.
  • Explore songs matching your vocal range and preferences using our Song Search tool.
  • Lastly, enhance your singing knowledge with our comprehensive 21-lesson Singing Course.

Combining the classical approach of engaging with a singing coach with self-led tools and exercises can empower any aspiring singer to follow in the footsteps of innovative artists like Barlow & Bear. Remember, the key to success lies in persistence, practice, and always being open to learning new techniques.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners